Readers’ Pedalboards #6 Holy Trinity of Boutique Drives

Boutique Drive and Compressor Pedals are Combined with Innovative Digital Delay, Filters, and Modulation Effects

Hands up – I spend perhaps too much time on Instagram checking out pedal boards! This week my jaw dropped when I spotted this incredibly clean board from Jeremy Knibbs, guitarist in Canadian power pop band, Elvyn. When you see Jeremy’s great taste in boutique drive pedals (the Holy Trinity of KOT, Klon, and Tim) and innovative digital pedals combined with the organisation of his board (the cable routing alone deserves a round of applause) you can appreciate how much effort and love guitarists put into their rigs. A well-built pedal board, like this, means a quick set up and pack down, minimises signal chain failures, and makes navigating all of these pedals on a dark stage much easier!We got in touch with Jeremy and asked him about his set up. Here’s what he had to say:

“Glad you guys like the board… the Cali76 is a centrepiece for sure! I play into a Dead Wood Sound wide-panel Tweed Deluxe-style circuit with a single 12″ Weber alnico speaker.

“Thanks for the interest in my board, and thanks for making a great tool! I’ll never be parted from my big-box Cali!”The signal chain goes like this;
Jerry Nepomuceno interface into RJM controller
Loop 1) Hudson Electronics Fuzz
Loop 2) ~empty~
Loop 3) Analogman King Of Tone (red side at 12v)
Loop 4) Origin Effects Cali76 (serial number 993 at 18v)
Loop 5) Paul Cochrane Tim overdrive
Loop 6) RYRA Klone
Insert point – Hilton Pro Guitar volume pedal
Loop 7) King Of Tone (yellow boost side at 12v)
Loop 8) ~empty~
Loop 9) Strymon Timeline (in parallel)
Loop 10) Eventide H9 (in parallel)